going home with your baby
Booking Home Visits.
After the birth, I may come to your place to guide you through your first days at home with your baby.
I can check on your medical condition as well as your baby.
I also try to answer your questions about feeding, spleeping, postnatal recovery...
I may come to your home during the 1st month after the birth.

Weighing Baby
Weighing your baby and checking on his feeding.

I welcome you at my office for baby weighing appointments. It is an opportunity to check if everything is fine for your little one and to discuss sleeping, feeding, first weaning...
Caution : these appointments can not replace monthly medical appointments with you pediatrician or GP.
Postnatal appointment
This appointment is to take place 6 to 8 weeks after the birth. We will assess your medical condition and your general well being during this moving time of your life.
I will take time to discuss and answer your questions (contraception, sexuality) and to perform a medical examination (breast examination, smear test if needed). I will also assess if perineal reeducation is needed.
I can only see you for this appointment if you had a normal birth. If you had a c-section or any other complications you will need to see a doctor.
Perineal Reeducation
Time to take care of you.
La rééducation périnéale a lieu après la visite post-natale, soit environ 2 mois après la naissance. Ces séances ont pour but de prendre conscience de la zone périnéale, souvent méconnue, et de lui redonner une tonicité et fonction normales ayant pu être perturbées par la grossesse et la naissance. Les séances vous permettront de mieux vous connaître et de prévenir les incontinences et prolapsus dus à un périnée hypotonique.
Le travail peut se faire en examen manuel ou à l’aide d’une sonde (électrostimulation et/ou biofeedback) suivant les besoins et les sensibilités de chacunes. Je suis également formée à la prescription de pessaires (dispositifs médicaux permettant de corriger les prolapsus notamment).